name: viole(n)t viper, V2 9112, Willmer
dob: none
specie: human experiment
gender: male
race: japanese
moral alignment: lawful evil
job: police (nurse)
others: demiromantic pansexual

eyes: green
hair: straight, black
height: 181cm
weight: 65kg
physical deformation: scarred hands, extreme visual acuity
items of preferences: glasses, pair of red gloves

good core:
kind, bold, brave, rational, passionate

"When I am in good mood, I think I smile a lot to the point people have a hard time to know my temper."

bad core: impatient, risk prone, defiant, bad temper, lazy

"When I am in bad mood, I would get angry to everything. Kasper said I cussed a lot intentionally."

to be added

weapon of choice:
Kimber Custom TLE II (EM) - .45 Caliber 1911 (pistol/handgun) Schrade Viper 3 (switchknife)Fist (capable to mess up a metal pole like a crunching a nut)

despite his looks, will likes it messy. If he is in euphoria, he would not mind to crack open a skull with his hand alone. had a very accurate aim and senses.